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Oman Job Vacancies | Job in Oman

Oman job vacancies | Job in Oman

Many people are interested in working in Oman. And there are numerous Oman job vacancies. Almost everyone knows about the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain. These are rich oil states, where many migrant workers specializing in hotel and restaurant business or construction aspire. But neighboring Oman is known to a much lesser extent, although it is much larger in the territory, and only slightly inferior to the UAE in terms of population.

What is Oman?

Oman is a fairly rich country, although it is inferior in terms of wealth to its neighbors. If in Qatar the nominal GDP per capita is 60 thousand dollars a year, in the UAE - 37 thousand, then in Oman - about 16 thousand, which is comparable to the European countries of the former socialist bloc.

Good budget revenues and a dynamically developing economy create many interesting opportunities for labor migrants in Oman. Traditionally, citizens of India, Bangladesh, and other countries of Southeast Asia travel to this region of the world to work. But for immigrants from the former USSR, there are also a lot of interesting things here.

Although we are talking about a Muslim country, traditional stereotypes are irrelevant here. Oman is very loyal to foreigners (both the state and local residents), there is a low unemployment rate, almost zero crime. At the same time, the sector of state and social services is very well developed, so you will not be left here without qualified medical care and police protection. However, traditional Islamic values ​​are taken seriously here, so before traveling to Oman, you should study the local culture and laws in matters of social behavior and moral norms.

Work in Oman for foreigners

oman job vacancies job in oman

Moving to Oman follows the traditional scheme: search for an employer, work permit, work visa, residence permit, etc. Numerous employment agencies specializing in the Gulf region can help you with this.

The average wage level in Oman is significantly ahead of that in the CIS countries and many European countries. For example, a teacher in an elementary school here receives 1,250 riyals a month, which is about 2.5 thousand euros. However, such high revenues are only in the public sector, which is generously funded by petrodollars. Of course, Omanis are almost exclusively employed for public office.

If we consider the private sector as well, then the average salary is from 1 to 2 thousand dollars per month. The average figure is greatly reduced by labor migrants from Southeast Asia, who are employed in the most difficult and low-skilled jobs. Nevertheless, immigrants from Europe can count on very good earnings:

  • In the field of hotel services - hotel administrator, hostess, doorman, animator. The average salary is 1-1.5 thousand Omani rials.
  • In the restaurant service - bartender, waiter, barista, cook. The average salary is about 1,000 riyals.
  • In real estate - a realtor. The salary is about 1.5 thousand riyals.
  • In the field of sales - sales assistant, manager. Of course, we are talking about expensive boutiques, and not about a grocery store or an electronics store. Average salary from 900 to 1700 riyals.
  • In the beauty industry - a massage therapist, stylist, manicurist. The salary is about 1,000 Omani rials.
  • Of course, for all the above professions, you need not only to be a master of your craft but also to be fluent in English and very desirable Arabic at least at the minimum level.

Labor migration to Oman

Despite the policy of the local labor market in Oman in recent years, dependence on foreign labor is still very significant. Foreign specialists are attracted by high salaries, no income tax, and reasonable cost of living. In addition to the dull sandy landscapes, Oman has many interesting places and attractions, including ancient castles and fortresses.

Unlike many other countries in the Middle East, Oman is a progressive modern state with more liberal laws, including concerning women's rights. Nevertheless, potential labor migrants should not forget about Muslim traditions and culture. The rules of conduct in a foreign country must be observed. Another point is extreme temperatures, which often exceed 40–45 ° C

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