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Why is AWeber a better option than Mailchimp?

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AWeber and  Mailchimp are similar in that both have free and paid plans. However, the two are different in some significant, key areas. Both are the two best-known email marketing solutions available. It depends upon your business goals; one will serve your needs better than the other.

AWeber Free: Email marketing for free. No credit card required.mailchimp mailchimp login mailchimp pricing mailchimp sign in what is mailchimp mailchimp templates mailchimp api constant contact vs mailchimp mailchimp alternatives mailchimp vs constant contact how to use mailchimp mailchimp landing page mailchimp customer service mailchimp logo mailchimp email templates aweber aweber pricing aweber login aweber communications aweber vs mailchimp aweber affiliate mailchimp vs aweber aweber affiliate login aweber vs getresponse getresponse email marketing tools getresponse pricing getresponse login getresponse affiliate getresponse log in getresponse com aweber vs getresponse getresponse review getresponse vs mailchimp getresponse affiliate login
  • Support: AWeber has an award-winning Customer  Solutions team that's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. From technical help to marketing advice, Aweber's team is available around the clock to help customers succeed. Mailchimp's support does not even come close.
  • Premium Features: AWeber Free includes all the features you need without the price tag- like unlimited user access, unlimited email and landing page templates, dynamic segments, email automation, and the ability to code your own templates.
  • Migration Services: Unlike AWeber, Mailchimp does not offer any free concierge migration services to move over your subscribers, signup forms, landing pages, or automated campaigns. We'll do all the heavy lifting for free so users can hit the ground running.
  • Integrations: AWeber is the clear choice for eCommerce businesses. Mailchimp no longer supports Shopify and does not have a direct integration with PayPal. 
Are you using Mailchimp? Think again, why aren't you using a free platform that gives you all the powerfully simple features you need to grow your business?

AWeber 30 days free trial.

AWeber overview:
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AWeber is one of the best email marketing tools available in the market. It is a powerfully simple email marketing solution that makes it easy and fun to connect your small business or passion project with the world.

It is founded in 1998, which means AWeber has 20 years of proven success, helping businesses connect with their audiences.

AWeber Features:
  • Ai-powered design assistant that automatically builds you fantastic-looking branded email templates in seconds.
  • Create custom emails& landing pages in just minutes without ever writing a line of code.
  • Prebuilt Template Library.
  • Campaign Automations.
  • Campaign Marketplace.
  • Leverage the latest in email technology to add more interactions to your messages directly inside people's inboxes. 
  • Email Marketing Automations.
  • Email list segmentation.
Mailchimp Overview:
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It is an all-in-one marketing platform for small businesses. Mailchimp helps customers around the world to start and grow their interactions with their smart marketing technology.

Ben Chestnut and Dan Kurzius co-founded Mailchimp back in 2001. Mailchimp begins as a side project to provide email marketing services for small businesses. 

Mailchimp Features:
  • Build-in analytics and split testing tools. 
  • Free Website Builder.
  • Integration with third-party apps.
  • Email list segmentation. 
  • Email marketing automation. 
  • Landing page and opt-in form builders. 
AWeber free VS Mailchimp free:

Both AWeber and Mailchimp offer free plans, but who is better?

AWeber free allows you to use most of the features of Aweber while you are building your audience. You are given access to the bulk of AWeber's powerfully simple functionality entirely free. You can use AWeber free as long as your subscriber's list is 500.

Mailchimp allows you more subscribers in their free plan but restricts most of its core features. For example, there are no autoresponders. You are limited to only five templates, you can't access custom-coded templates, and after the first 30 days, there is no customer supports.

People use Mailchimp because they allow more free subscribers, but Mailchimp doesn't provide many features that give you a result.

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For just more subscribers, you don't underestimate other features that Mailchimp does not provide in the free plan, but on the other hand, AWeber delivers all the features.

Yes, AWeber is better than Mailchimp. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your AWeber 30 free trial now? The best part is no credit card is required.

AWeber 30 days free trial.

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