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Best Summer Season

summer season

 Ready for Summer?

 Here Are 7 Essentials for this Hot Season

Summer is just around the corner! Spring is about to leave and give us the chance to finally enjoy a hot day outside our patio or even at the beach. Thankfully, we are now more free to move around compared to last year as vaccines are rolling out and being administered. With that, we can be safer. But nonetheless, there are still some precautions we need to keep in mind.

So, get vaccinated and finally have fun with your family and best buds! Go out, travel, and chill. Because, in this article, we’ll give you the seven essential things you need for this hot season. Be prepared during a long drive or day out with our list of essentials. Keep reading to find out more!

Outdoor cushion storage

Outdoor cushion storage is essential for a hot summer day out in your garden, backyard, or patio. Who doesn’t want to sit back, relax, and have an iced drink at hand while enjoying the warm summer breeze? These come in many shapes, sizes, and styles. You can choose from different designs depending on your preference. And since they are made outdoors, you can be sure that they’re durable, so they will last you for many summers to come!


Morning sunlight is good for you. But exposing yourself to sunlight after 8 AM is quite dangerous. You expose your skin to harmful sun rays that can damage your skin. Apart from skin darkening, you’re also making yourself age faster with exposure to sunlight after 8 AM. 

So, make sure to slather on some sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30! If you plan on staying under the sun for a much longer time, make you reapply sunscreen every two hours. This ensures that you’re safe from harmful sun rays. A tan is good to have, but you should also protect your skin while getting one!

What other Reads?

Stainless steel tumbler

We’ve all heard many horror stories related to dehydration. So, make sure to keep yourself hydrated during this hot season! A stainless steel tumbler is the best choice for keeping water with you at all times. And the best part about stainless steel tumblers is that they can keep your beverage hot or cold for long hours.

 Bring a tumbler with you to remind you to drink your water. You also get to save a ton of money when you have a tumbler with you at all times rather than buying bottled drinks every time you’re thirsty. And lastly, you get to save the environment, too! Imagine how many plastic bottles we throw away each year; do your part in saving the environment by using a tumbler!

Polarized sunglasses

A pair of high-quality polarized sunglasses can last you for years! Get a pair that is best suited for your face shape. Aviator-style sunglasses can suit most face shapes, so you can go for those for a safe choice.

There are many sunglasses out there that are cheap, but they aren’t polarized or offer UV protection. So, make sure you get a pair from a trusted brand. Your eyes are important, so protect them so they don’t get damaged. And make sure to keep them in their case, so they’re safe from scratches and dents.

The lightweight breathable cloth mask

Why, yes, you’ll still need to wear a face mask! Just because you’re already vaccinated, doesn’t mean you can skip wearing a face mask. But the problem with most face masks is that sweat can build up inside.

 A high-quality lightweight breathable cloth mask is a great option for the summer season because it’s designed to have good airflow. And the best part about lightweight breathable cloth masks is that they’re reusable. Just wash them, dry them, and wear them! You’re doing yourself and the environment a favor by saving money and lessening plastic waste.

Anti-fog acrylic face shield

Since we are still in a pandemic, face shields are still essential to use. But the problem with most disposable face shields is that they fog up easily. Because of the summer heat, your breath, and sweat, fogs are inevitable with ordinary face shields.

 So, get an anti-fog acrylic face shield that you can reuse many times. Disposable face shields are, as their name suggests, disposable, after all. With already so much plastic waste in our environment, let’s not add more to it.

 Apart from saving the environment with an acrylic face shield, you’re also saving money in the long run. Just sanitize your acrylic face shield and it’s ready to use again! Make sure to keep it in a padded pouch to protect it from scratches and dents when you’re not using it.

Travel mist spray bottle

Hand sanitisers and similar essential hygiene items are a must at this time. But buying a small bottle every time is not practical, just as we’ve mentioned before, we’re already producing too much unnecessary plastic waste. 

So, instead of always buying small bottles of hand sanitizer, why not buy it in bulk and fill up a travel mist spray bottle for convenient use. Not only will this reduce your plastic waste, but it will also save you money in the long run as bulk buying is always cheaper when it comes to hand sanitizer. So, keep those hands and other essential items clean at all times while being practical! A fun and safe Summer vacation are ahead!

So, there you have it, seven essentials for Summer 2021! All the items we featured are ones you can truly make use of during these trying times. But even if the pandemic finally dies down, you can still get a ton of use from these seven essentials. 

Have fun, but make sure to keep yourself and those around you safe! Even if you will be out with family and friends in open areas, keep in mind that social distance is still a must! Don’t contribute to the rising number of cases and remind yourself to take precautions. Good luck!

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