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Reverse Image Search

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Reverse image search is mainly used to discover similar images all around the web. It is primarily used by the photographer to find those people who use their images without their permission. Reverse image search is specially used to know the origin of the picture.

In simple words, if you have an image and wanted to know, it's the origin or find similar photos, that are called a reverse image search.

 With the help of a reverse search image, you can find all relevant pictures regarding the photo you uploaded. There is a various search engine for reverse image search, including tools we can further discuss.

How Reverse Image Search Work?

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Let take an example of Google reverse image search. Go to Google Search Console and search google images. Now click on the camera icon you can see two options.

Do you know: Google reverse image search is available for both mobile and desktop. For mobile all, you need to do allow desktop version on your mobile. 

1. Paste image URL.
2. Upload image.
3.  Choose the option with your needs.
4. You can drag an image from another window.
5. Google can find the keyword relevant to your vision.
6. It shows the image size and all the appropriate photos with a "full description."

Bing from Microsoft also does "reverse image searches" with the same setup as Google on desktop or on Mobile. Just go to bing.com/images, tap the camera icon. Now, browse your photo library for the image you want to search for. 

The latest version of the Bing app on iOS and Android let you snap photos and image search immediately. It also enables you to upload pictures from your camera roll, scan QR codes, and, most importantly, text and math problems.

There are a few third-party image search engines out there dedicated to looking just out pictures two, of which are Tin Eye and Yandex. There are also search engines geared explicitly helping towards creative find out if their work is stolen. 

 You can check out  Briefly and  Pixsy for options. If you prefer reverse image search apps over using a web browser, check out Veracity, Search by Image, and Reverse.

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